Industrial pH Controllers: Three Important Tips for Promoting Consistent Performance

The manual regulation of pH in industrial operations is challenging, time-consuming and labour-intensive. Therefore, if your production or processing system requires the adjustment of acidity and alkalinity of substances, you should invest in a pH controller. A pH controller is an automated device that allows for measuring, monitoring and changing the pH levels. In general, this type of product is designed for plug-and-play operation. However, the performance will depend on your choices during purchase, installation and usage.

Here are crucial tips for ensuring the consistent function of your pH controller. 

Know Your Operations

You should choose the right pH controller for your industrial setup. If the device is not suitable for your operations, the performance will be poor. Therefore, evaluate your equipment and systems and determine the requirements for pH management. You must consider multiple factors when purchasing the unit. For instance, compare the benefits and drawbacks of inline and recirculating types for your business. You should also check the technical specifications of the different devices on the market. The aspects can include flow rate, pH range, construction, temperature limits and safety elements. Additionally, keep in mind that the designs of different pH controllers can limit compatibility with various systems. Ensure that your chosen device can be integrated seamlessly into your existing industrial equipment. This consideration will minimise the costs of retrofitting.

Choose Your Accessories

The right accessories are critical for improving the performance of your pH controller. Therefore, when purchasing the device, acquire the compatible elements to ensure correct functionality. For example, a water probe is indispensable for checking the pH. This unit will be placed in the water, so you must ensure that it is durable. Avoid probes that will wear away due to high acidity or alkalinity. Also, consider the safety of the probe. This factor is particularly critical when dealing with the production of substances intended for human consumption such as drinking water and foods. Make sure the construction meets the safety standards of the relevant safety authorities. Other useful accessories to evaluate include pumps, meters and dosing units. You can also look for more complex equipment integrated into industrial systems with pH controllers like fluid recycling and separating systems.

Plan for Maintenance

Finally, you should plan for the maintenance of your pH controller. Improper upkeep can cause the deterioration of the device, and over time, the measurements will be inaccurate. If the problem is undetected and unresolved, the entire industrial production could be compromised. Therefore, follow the manufacturer's calibration and maintenance guidelines.
